Monday, 9 July 2007 your number !!

Its great when a plan comes together, but even better when it doesn't but you get something better.

This is actually half of a pic I took of 3 band members standing on a bridge in Glasgow at night, they were all looking rather serious and cool as you do, but what made the pic was my fill in flash picking up the passing car, so we dive into photoshop, take out the guys and bridge etc etc (sorry guys, no offense) and bingo, a pic just as planned...ok....yea right !!

Who cares, planned or accident, its the result that counts..


Zoë said...

love this image with the number plate suspended in mid air, reminds me of some time lapse Number One son did at the local railway station, amazing results ... like ghost trains flying through the station!

have a look here it maybe amongst some of his pix there. Hes not a pro like you, but a decent amatuer who uses photography a lot in his graphic design. We are thinking about buying him a Nikon D 200 for graduation, or similar ( models change so often!)

HappySnaper said...

Ta, the D200 is one fine camera, he should be well chuffed ! note - cameras at that spec do not change so often so less of a risk in buying yesterdats new toy

Zoë said...

Hope so , I bought him a D70 when they first came out with a couple of lenses for doing well in his GCSE's. That was a big ouch! He's just had to replace one at £400 ish, another ouch! Its done good service though and got him through A levels and gets used lots at uni.